Why the human beign needs the ART?
Because when you are in front of a work of art, you discover that there are other perspectives within your life, because there are other beauties and other truths...
Because you understand that reality is subjective, through the color of the painter...
Because then, existence can be greatly improved if the look of things is modified, and even more so if they are beautiful.
Why have a work of ART?
Because works of art never expire or go out of style, on the contrary, they tend to add value as time goes by.

The work of ART
They can be located anywhere in the world and will never lose their functionality

The work of ART
It is a statement of human expression

The work of ART
It is a fact especially by someone, who reminds us how important and beautiful life is.

The work of ART
No one will give you the same thing, since it is a unique gift, made at a defined time and space. Because there will never be two equal watercolors